Protecting your teeth is key to your overall oral health. After all, we only get one set of natural teeth in adulthood! Great dental health starts with good oral hygiene habits. Here are 5 ways to protect your teeth every day.
1) Keep up with Brushing and Flossing
Staying on top of your dental routine is your first line of defense to protect your teeth. This doesn’t just mean brushing and flossing consistently. Make sure you’re using good technique, and be sure not to brush too hard. Applying too much pressure while brushing can eventually wear away your gums, so make sure to use gently clean each tooth.
2) Don’t Have Too Many Acidic Foods or Beverages
There are a lot of drinks and snacks out there that can hurt our teeth. Coffee and wine are two favorites that can wreak havoc on your smile by gradually wearing down your enamel. Very acidic foods like tomatoes, kiwi, and pineapple may be good for your body, but they aren’t as beneficial for your smile. It’s ok to eat acidic foods in moderation, but make sure to brush your teeth afterward to remove extra acidic residue in your mouth.
3) Keep Your Dental Checkups
Proactive attention to your oral health can help prevent serious problems from developing down the line. Make and keep regular appointments with your dentist to keep your teeth free from plaque. It’s recommended to give yourself a visual dental check every so often in between dentist visits to be aware of any abnormalities on your teeth or gums that may be a sign of a bigger issue.
4) Don’t Shy Away from Fluoride
Fluoride is a mineral naturally found in some foods and water supplies. It helps to harden the enamel on your teeth. You can call your local water district to see if fluoride is present in your water, or you can pick up toothpaste that contains it. Either way, make sure fluoride is a part of your everyday dental routine to keep teeth strong and healthy.
5) Protect Yourself from Injury
If you play sports, you know how important pads are to protect your body, but have you considered a mouth guard to protect your teeth? Dental technology has come a long way, so avoid the painful risk of having a tooth knocked out, and be sure to wear mouth guards while playing sports to protect your teeth. You can also ask your dentist about using a mouth guard while you sleep if you’re prone to grinding your teeth.
If you keep these tips in mind, you’re on your way to a brighter, healthier smile. Your strong, clean teeth will thank you! If you do end up needing any sort of restorative dental work such as fillings, crowns, or dental implants, be sure to give us a call! We bring a friendly, relaxed attitude and gentle touch to each and every appointment, making sure you’re comfortable as we work together to restore your smile. Call Tigard TenderCare Dental today to set up your appointment. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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