Celebrate Your Smile for National Dental Hygiene Month


Smile! October is National Dental Hygiene Month, a holiday dedicated to celebrating hard-working dental hygienists. This holiday also shines a spotlight on the importance of maintaining good oral health all year round. Here are some tips to focus on your smile this month.

  1. Most dentists recommend soft toothbrushes. Hard or medium bristles can be harsh on a person’s gums and tooth enamel. Most people will do best with a soft-bristled toothbrush. For those who have enamel erosion, dentists may even recommend an extra-soft option. The biggest factors in determining the best toothbrush are: how often you brush your teeth, the technique you use, the pressure applied when brushing and the strength of the bristles. If you brush your teeth and gums often and with a good amount of force, hard bristles may cause more gum recession away than a soft-bristled alternative.
  2. Go Round and Round. Outside of the hard versus soft debate, not all toothbrush bristle shapes are created equal. Rounded bristles better protect the teeth from those with harder edges. With respect to powered toothbrushes, the rotation oscillation ones are most effective. This variety of toothbrush is designed so that the bristles go around, as well as back and forth, which is more effective than the manual alternative.
  3. Wax On or Wax Off. When selecting dental floss, don’t get too caught up in the debate about whether waxed or un-waxed floss is more effective. Studies have shown that the plaque cleaning abilities of both options are comparable. The decision comes down to preference. If you like a woven option that tends to be thicker, more power to you! While some people may experience additional sensitivity with waxed options, some people can use either type without incident.
  4. Brush it all. When brushing your teeth, be sure to go over all the surfaces of the teeth (front and back, top and sides), as well as everything else in your mouth. Bacteria can also collect on the gums and tongue. Be sure to give everything a good wash before you rinse. Remember that brushing at a 45-degree angle to the gums is the most effective way to clean your teeth.

The most important factor in maintaining good oral hygiene is sticking with it. Be sure to brush and floss every day. Proper brushing technique can also make a big difference in how bright and healthy your smile stays over time. For the latest and best information about your specific needs, talk to your dentist. A professional can help you determine what procedures to schedule and how to maintain good oral health outside the office.


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