Refreshing Truth About Fizzy Water

Citrus and fizzy water


We know drinking water is great for your health. It can prevent dehydration, help clear skin and keep your digestive system running smoothly. To add a little pizazz to still water, companies have added bubbles as a more exciting way to hydrate. Enter trendy fizzy water, with flavors ranging from lemon, lime and grapefruit to berry, vanilla and coconut. These fizzy waters are delicious and refreshing for sure, but are they safe for your smile?


Fizzy waters are a great alternative to sugary beverages. When you reach for carbonated water instead of soda, coffee, or juice you’re replacing a sugary or acidic beverage with one that won’t break down tooth enamel. Water can also cleanse the teeth and gums, removing bacteria and food particles that hang out in the mouth. The key is to make sure your fizzy water isn’t sugary. Those with added sugars are basically sodas disguised as a healthier alternative.


Choose your sparkling water wisely. Certain flavors of fizzy water are better than others. Citrus flavors, for example, tend to be more acidic. The acids can break down the enamel that’s keeping your teeth strong and healthy. If the citrus flavors are your favorite, be sure to follow each can or bottle of sparkling water with some regular, fluorinated water to flush the residue away.


Carbobated water and your smile


Drink your fizzy water with food. Because fizzy waters can have flavors or sugars that impact your oral health, your best bet is to enjoy them as a treat with a meal. Finish the water with the meal and rinse your mouth or brush your teeth afterward. This will prevent you from sipping slowly over the course of several hours, thus exposing your teeth to cavity-causing particles for long periods of time.

Nothing beats fluorinated water. While carbonated water is a good way to stay hydrated and a great substitute for soda, alcohol and juice, it’s never going to be a better choice than regular fluorinated water. Water with fluoride in it is particularly beneficial because the mineral is often used in toothpastes and mouth rinses to prevent tooth decay. Not sure where to find fluorinated water? Most people need only look to their in-home tap to find this natural cavity fighter.


Overall, fizzy water is perfectly safe for your smile. If you’re choose your brands and flavors wisely, you’ll avoid harming your teeth over time. Want to know more about how drinking water can help strengthen your teeth? The professionals at Tigard Family Dental can deliver the latest and best information about your specific needs. They will also help you determine what procedures to schedule right away.


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